My pet Worry Monster

The perfect pet

for those who fret

Available on


Created & coded by Hannah Beattie

Artwork by Hannah Beattie

Animation by Mikey Lemmon

The worry monster holdin two bags of worries

Available on


Created & coded by Hannah Beattie

Artwork by Hannah Beattie

Animation by Mikey Lemmon

An image of the worry Monster; A light-blue, friendly looking critter with a purple-and-pink polka-dot body

What is a worry Monster?

A worry monster would have you believe that they are terribly scaresome, fearsome creatures.

In acutality, they are rather loveable, goofy critters who get their name from their unusual diet...

An image of the worry Monster; A light-blue, friendly looking critter with a purple-and-pink polka-dot body

You see, if you give your worries to a worry monster they will hold on to them for as long as you wish.

Should you ever be ready to part with a worry, they will gladly gobble it up.

There is no worry too heavy, scary, small or big for a worry monster.

An image of the worry Monster; A light-blue, friendly looking critter with a purple-and-pink polka-dot body

Why Worry?

Worries can be useful sources of information, however, all too often, we use our imagination to furnish them with such looming, impregnable powers that we presume them unconquerable.

Perhaps, once upon a time, our worries were useful.

They kept us safe and warned us of very real danger.

CBT and the Wisdom of Worries

Based on the ideas around cognitive-behavioural therapy, My Worry Monster allows users to keep track of their worries in a neutral, non-judgemental and private environment.

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© 2023 HannahBeattie

My pet worry monster

Displayed on Iphone 8

Version 0.2.0


Requires iOS 13.0 or later.

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About the creator

Hannah Beattie is a freelance artist, coder and storyteller from Aotearoa, New Zealand.

Hannah credits their insatiable curiosity to autism and ADHD.

They are interested in making tech and STEM more accessable to visual learners, neurodivergent women and anyone who feels as though they do not fit in.

You can Check out their website here.

Or Read The Worry Monster origin story here.

doodle of a flower
doodle of a flower

Origin Story